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Geometry, the Easy Way

At it's heart geometry is very simple. We humans do like repeating patterns. They give us a sense of stability, balance and proportion.

James Hare Campden Collection soft furnishings

What's in a name? Well if it's Hicks it'll be great design. Known for his bold use of colour, eclecticism, and geometric designs, David Hicks is acknowledged as one of the most exciting and innovative British interior designers of the late twentieth century.

These fabrics and wallpapers have been produced by GP & J Baker in collaboration with his son, Ashley Hicks.

David Hicks collection soft furnishings

From Zinc Textiles Chiaroscuro collection comes Phibblestown, a broken fretwork design transposed onto soft, tumbled linen with a superbly supple handle. 

Zinc Phibblestown curtains

Here again we see more geometrics, mixed, yet in complementary colourways, working within a classically formal sitting room.


One of our favourite brands, Misia, are unashamedly bold in their use of geometry.

In the grandiose panorama of the “Terre des Ocres”, cozy bouclés, sophisticated textures and diaphanous satins, meet at the crossroads of the elegant and the exquisite. The greatest painters made it their summer destination, and the large designs, inspired by Cubism or Impressionism, show off their flamboyant colors. A “Euphorie Cubiste” is born through the collaboration with famous New York designer Alison Rose. A matte and satin collection, luxurious, glamorous, and decisively modern.

Misia Euphorie Cubiste fabric covered lounge chairs
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