Should I wear a Facemask ? Where do I need to wear a facemask ? Which is the best facemask ? These are just three questions that are being discussed on a global scale right now. Here in the UK the requirement from the Government as of today (15th June) is : that people should wear facemasks or face coverings when they use public transport and in other appropriate situations where social distancing is difficult. Further information from the Bbc here
So from that it's clear that there is a great need for facemasks or face coverings. Our view, like many others, is that the single-use disposable medical masks should be left for those in the medical/care sector which is a view echoed by Grant Shapps the Transport Secretary.
What sort of facemasks are available ? Which is the best facemask ? Two excellent questions which we can find answers to. Reuseable washable facemasks with a double layer of fabric are a great solution, You can see from the picture of Sarah that she's wearing one of our 100% high quality cotton masks shaped to fit snugly and with adjustable ties. Most masks on the market use elastic round the ears, are they the best ? Masks with elastic can be fine although they can chafe the ears. We prefer ties.
We discuss these and other questions (plus answers) on our new Covid-19 Facemask page here.
Here's what the Bbc said about 'How to wear a facemask' in a short video
This is how The New Yorker magazine portrayed a less successful effort.

8 Simple Tips for Facemasks -Treat your facemask like underwear
1-Do not touch or adjust (especially in public)
2-Do not lend or borrow
3-Make sure it fits snugly
4-Make sure it's clean (have spares)
5-Put it on the right way round
6-If it's worn out then recycle/bin
7-If it's stained then recycle/bin
8-If it's damp, change for a fresh one.
Sky News posted an article today Coronavirus: Homemade masks and scarves can limit spread of COVID-19, study says, but there are downsides read it here
Even Teen Vogue posted a blog on Where to buy Facemasks online ? This article is targeted for US consumers, read it here.
So where can I buy washable facemasks in the UK ? We make our own masks here in Poole which can be sent by post to you. Here's a review from a customer on our Google My Business page
If you have any other questions or need help with facemasks either check out our page here or give Sarah a call on 07757061234